Work plan
What will be done when promoting the website.
1st month
Project launch
- Providing the client with access to his personal account. There you can find daily statistics of website positions and a growth chart for each request and traffic statistics with keyword filters.
- Requesting data for the audit. We will need access to the FTP of the website and its database, to the website’s admin panel and, possibly, to the hosting admin panel. We may also need access to Google Analytics and webmaster tools.
- * Analysis of the business model of the project and the target audience of the website.
* Optional work. Performed by agreement with the client.
Compilation of the semantic core
- Distribution of semantic groups across landing pages.
- * Expansion of the semantic core for the project.
Analysis of website content
- Analysis of titles and meta descriptions of the landing pages of the website. Formation of meta tags based on the semantic core.
- Assessment of the website content uniqueness (texts and images used) for semantic correspondence of the content and the presence of hidden elements.
- Formation of technical specifications for texts and writing the first block of texts for the website.
- Drawing up and agreeing on a copywriting strategy and plan.
- Analysis of all other meta tags.
- Analysis of the use of title tags <h1>—<h6> when optimizing texts.
- Analysis of the use of the attributes «alt» and «title» for images.
Installing statistics collection systems
In the first month, technical specialists devote 15 to 40 hours to the project, depending on the complexity.
- Connection to the Google Webmasters Panel.
- Installation of Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics.
Website audit. Compilation of terms of reference for the optimization
- Analysis of website indexing.
- Website analysis for viruses.
- Analysis of errors in tools for webmasters.
- Search and elimination of duplicate content.
- Checking the correctness of server responses to promoted pages, non-existent pages, as well as to pages with and without www.
- Checking the correctness of the page encoding and analyzing the source code of the pages.
- Checking, analyzing, and correcting configuration of the «website map» and «robots» files.
- Analysis of the formation of URLs of the website pages. Using SEO-friendly URLs.
- Optimization of the scheme for the formation of URLs for landing pages.
- Internal linking for high-frequency, mid-frequency, and low-frequency requests.
- Analysis of the search system index. Making a list of actions to reduce the number of low-quality pages in the search system index.
- * Analysis and formation of internal linking. Menu navigation and «bread crumbs.»
- * Search and elimination of broken links.
- * Usability recommendations to increase conversion on the website.
Registration in Google address services
Working with external ranking factors
- Analysis of the current link mass.
- Drawing up a strategy to get links.
Results of the first month

Formed basic semantic core.

Terms of reference with a list of changes on the website.

The registered card in Google’s address service.

Written texts for key landing pages.

Strategy and first links.
2nd month
Working with the internal factors of ranking
- Monitoring the implementation of edits for the technical audit of the website.
- Control of writing and text placement.
- Checking the changes made.
Working with external ranking factors
- Start of work on getting links.
- Optimization of the company card in Google Maps.
- Analysis of the website for falling under the filters of search engines, identifying the reasons, and drawing up an action plan to withdraw from the filter.
* Web analytics
- * Setting up web analytics in Google Analytics. Setting goals and tracking internal search.
- * Drafting a specification of changes to collect additional data: setting up tracking of events, user segments, and variables.
Results of the second month

Implementation of technical audit edits.

Placing text content.

Writing additional texts.

Links received.

Report on positions, traffic, and completed work.
3rd month
Working with internal ranking factors
- Editing texts, meta tags, and titles based on the achieved positions.
- Revision of the project according to the checklist.
- * Getting «user-generated» content: reviews & comments.
- * Expansion of the semantic core by searching for additional queries.
- * Writing texts and blog articles for low-frequency information requests according to the copywriting plan.
Working with external ranking factors
- Getting links, including «natural» links in forums, comments, and social networks.
- Promotion of the company card in Google Maps and receiving reviews of the card page.
Results of the third month

Improving visibility for LF-MF requests.

Additional texts have been written.

Links received.

Report on positions and traffic.
4th month
Working with internal ranking factors
- * Getting user-generated content: reviews & comments
- * Expansion of the semantic core by searching for additional queries.
- * Writing texts and articles for a blog for low-frequency information requests according to a copywriting plan.
- * Analysis of the visibility and structure of competitors’ websites.
Working with external ranking factors
- Getting links, including «natural» links in forums, comments, and social networks.
- Promotion of the company card in Google Maps and receiving reviews of the card page.
- * Placement of press releases (company news) on the websites of leading mass media.
- * Analysis of external optimization of competitors.
Results of the fourth month

Achievement of target positions.

More links received.

Additional texts have been written.
5th month
Working with internal ranking factors
- Adjustment of priorities and goals for the project based on the results achieved.
- * Expansion of the semantic core by searching for additional queries.
- * Writing texts and articles for a blog for low-frequency information requests according to a copywriting plan.
Working with external ranking factors
- Getting links, including «natural» links in forums, comments, and social networks.
- Promotion of the company card in Google Maps and receiving reviews and «+1» on the card page.
- Development of a strategy for increasing the number of links on the results achieved and new goals for the future.
* Analysis of website traffic
- * Total number of website visits during the reporting period: sources, login pages, demographics, and geography.
- * Formation of proposals for further promotion strategy.
Results of work

Achievement of target positions.

Promotion results report.

Report website traffic analysis.